Friday, April 15, 2011

My name is Liz.
I've always believed that self expression, or just expression for that matter is a huge part of our humanity & diverse culture.  Of course with mediums like the internet and social media our species has found a very efficient way to overload the senses with all the "expression" it can muster.  Some of it insightful and enlightening; and some of it downright confusing or- for lack of a better word- dumb.   I will do my best to avoid the latter, however I believe we as humans can learn from all forms of expression.  Negative, positive, dumb, inspiring, it's all relevant as it helps us understand our fellow man.  So, it is with that goal and the advice of a very dear friend in mind that I've decided to create my own form of expression in this blog. 

I’ve always been fascinated with our evolution as a species both from a scientific aspect and the more theoretical one dubbed: “human nature”.  Being a true believer in cause and effect and the science of evolution it’s amazing to me how far we’ve come.  Human’s have inhabited this planet for what is equivalent to 3 seconds on a 24 hour clock (the 24 hour clock being the span of Earth’s history) and so far we’ve learned how to harness this planet’s resources, spread communications across its vast surface, conquer the atmosphere with planes and rockets, and build industries, governments and societies that stand intact and prosperous for centuries at a time.  We’ve managed to face our fear of the unknown and that which is different than our individual selves allowing us to rise almost completely above the perils of racism, slavery and oppression.  Of course one could point out that oppression still exists, however in my opinion it’s been quite largely eradicated considering that this is the first time in recorded history where a world government exists which helps to foster peace and collaboration among nations (even those where oppression is still prevalent).  My point here is that as far as we’ve come, there is still a very long way to go and while we struggle individually to make sense of our lives and collectively to progress as a species my fervent hope is that some day, thanks to those who are willing to express their inner selves and bring perspective and love to their fellows by communicating and working together we will advance to the point of being in true communion with each other, this world, and all those who cross our path.  


  1. This blog entry truly gives me hope. So often as a society we focus on the crap people seem to have become, but in reality, we're pretty fucking fascinating. Like you said, 3 seconds on a clock and we've done all this! It's pretty amazing. Can't wait to read more!
